If you want to work in a library setting, becoming a librarian is actually not the only option.
Similar to how not everyone who works in a hospital is a doctor, not everyone who works in a library is a degreed librarian, although often the general public is not aware of that fact.
For many, becoming a librarian is their ultimate goal, and that is indeed a challenging and rewarding career path.
But for others, the educational requirements might be unrealistic given the large financial commitment they entail. (To become a librarian, you almost always must have a master’s degree.)
Others might be discouraged by the prospect of handling complex research questions and being expected to deliver a correct answer.
In these cases, then becoming a library assistant can be a great decision.
These positions require less in the way of education, typically ranging from a high school diploma to an associate’s degree, and will usually require some specific computer skills.
This article will introduce you to the types of major tasks usually included in a library assistant job description.
Job Duties: What Does a Library Assistant Do?
One major aspect of library assistant work is circulation, which concerns all activities relating to the lending of books and other materials to library patrons.
This will often include checking books in and out; registering patrons and assigning library cards and accounts; and assessing and collecting late fines.
Many times library assistants assist users with basic computer use, for example how to use the online catalog to search and find books. (More in-depth research assistance is usually handled by reference librarians.)
Behind the scenes, library assistants are increasingly assisting in the maintenance of library websites and updating various library databases.
In addition, library assistants might have clerical duties such as barcoding, helping process or catalog items, re-shelving, preparing materials for binding, and perhaps even mending damaged books.
Opportunities for Advancement
Library assistants with more experience, especially in a larger library, often shift from solely performing clerical and circulation duties to work more with the maintenance of automated library systems.
Experienced assistants can also graduate to more of a supervisory role where they oversee the duties of other assistants and library pages.
Some are even able to obtain their library degree while working in an assistant position and become a librarian.
Job Outlook
In general, the prospects for library assistants are good.
While all types of libraries are facing budget pressures, this often actually helps library assistants as they sometimes take on more duties once performed by higher-paid librarians.
How to Become a Librarian Assistant
For the steps needed to become a library assistant, you will always need your high school diploma. Any education required beyond that will depend on the specific position, so be sure to look at listings at libraries in your area so you can see what you will need to complete. Associate’s degrees are often required, and in some cases even a bachelor’s may make you more competitive.
Beyond the educational requirements, there are certain skills that will nearly always help increase your chances of landing a library assistant job.
Taking the time to sharpen your computer skills, either in an associate’s degree or certificate program or just for free on the web, is the best way to make yourself most desirable as a library assistant.
Good things to focus on are databases, internet searching and automated library systems.
Some library assistant jobs will require direct experience in these areas while others will train you on the job.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the wage for library assistants and technicians in 2008 ranged from $10-$17 per hour.
Library technicians had a median wage was $13.86, while assistants earned $10.88 per hour on average. (Not all libraries use the exact same language for their positions, so be sure to look at job duties and required experience of any potential positions.)
We hope this article has helped you learn about what a library assistant job entails, and what it takes to become pone. Best of luck on your career journey!